Exciting times ahead!

Our pop-up pub in its current form will close as planned for refurbishment in the New Year, but what a remarkable four months it’s been! Preparing the White Horse back in September for the opening of the pop-up pub involved a huge amount of work by Claire (shown here on the right) and all our wonderful volunteers, but the positive reaction of the local and wider community in the few short weeks of operation since then has been overwhelming.

Operating the pop-up pub has proved to be immensely beneficial in many ways. As well as raising much-needed funds, it’s demonstrated beyond doubt that there is a strong ongoing community desire for the benefits of a community pub. The family spirit that’s been generated among and between the volunteers and customers has been particularly special to witness, and it’s also been a pleasure to welcome investors from as far as the US and Australia for a photo behind the bar - thank you for visiting!

In the New Year the pub will close and we will be clearing and storing the existing furniture, fixtures and fittings, ready for work to commence on the first phase of necessary repair and remedial work to the roof and the building. Further work is planned during the year, and we’ll keep you updated with details of how we plan to raise the necessary funds and how you can be involved both practically and financially. It remains our aim that the White Horse fully opens as a thriving community pub in 2024.

There are many challenges ahead for us to face together, but let’s take a moment to raise a glass and celebrate the amazing progress we’ve made so far and the spirit in which it’s been achieved. Thank you for pulling together so brilliantly to give us the best possible start to our community pub journey.

A reminder that you can keep in touch with our latest news through:

Instagram: www.instagram.com/stonesfieldwhitehorse

Facebook: www.facebook.com/thewhitehorseatstonesfield

Wishing you a happy and peaceful New Year!


Events: Drink the Pub Dry, and a fundraising comedy evening!


Christmas crafts at the White Horse